幼儿英语启蒙情景对话全套45集英文动画视频Cartoons for Kids to Learn English全套视频有很多主题,比如看医生,照看弟弟妹妹,通过各种情景,学习常用的词汇,而且语速较慢,适合2-6岁的宝宝学习英语。


At Night - Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

Beautiful Spring Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles - My Five Senses .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles A babies .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles MY neighbordood .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles My Week .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles watch the Wind .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles Jungle girl .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english - Cartoon For Children with subtitles - Teddy Bear .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles - I like to climb .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - Disneyland Fun .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - Dodge the Ball .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - Dont peek .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - Driving to disneyland .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles-My faforite Birthday foods .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with sub - The Amorous LIon and the Farmer .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with sub _ Alibaba and the Forty Thieves .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles Cyrus become Clown .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles Five Green Frogs .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - A cobbler .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - A Fruitless Jackdaw .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - A young mouse .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - Cinderela .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles - The animal musiccians .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles -The Time Machine .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles _ Learn About Animals .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles-I was Flying above the cloud .mp4

Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles_ Birth day .mp4

Check Up - Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

Four Seasons - Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

Funny Animals Cartoons Collection _ Elephant Does His Aerobics _ For Babies by HooplakidzTv .mp4

Funny Animals Cartoons Collection _ Elephant Does Some Gardening _ For Babies by HooplakidzTv .mp4

Funny Animals Cartoons Collection _ Lighter Than Air _ For Babies by HooplakidzTv .mp4

Funny Animals Cartoons Collection _ Roll _ For Babies by HooplakidzTv .mp4

Funny Animals Cartoons Collection _ Storm on the Savannah _ For Babies by HooplakidzTv .mp4

I love candy Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

Learning English Through Cartoon The Giant and the boy _ Animals Cartoons for Kids to learn .mp4

Pinocchio - Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

The Banana Tree - Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

The Biggest Thing - Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

The Months of the Year - Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

The Thumb Princess - Cartoon for kids to learn english _ Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4

Time For Work Cartoon for kids to learn english Cartoon For Children with subtitles .mp4


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