芝麻学社《Doodle Town国际少儿英语》 百度网盘 VIP会员免费下载,本课程由来学啦收集整理。


├──01.Hello!.mp4  54.24M

├──02.Hello!.mp4  48.85M

├──03.My Toys.mp4  47.57M

├──04.My Toys.mp4  54.73M

├──05.My Family.mp4  49.51M

├──06.My Family.mp4  60.44M

├──07.About Me.mp4  51.97M

├──08.About Me.mp4  51.06M

├──09.Unit 1-4 Review.mp4  50.92M

├──10.Unit 1-4 Review.mp4  50.78M

├──11.I Can Run.mp4  44.58M

├──11.I Can Run_2.mp4  54.24M

├──12.I Can Run.mp4  48.28M

├──13.Look Outside.mp4  44.66M

├──14.Look Outside.mp4  51.21M

├──15.I Like Apples.mp4  60.30M

├──16.I Like Apples.mp4  45.52M

├──17.Socks!.mp4  57.19M

├──18.Socks!.mp4  50.58M

├──19.Unit 5-8 Review.mp4  54.51M

├──20.Unit 5-8 Review.mp4  52.97M

├──21.The Playground.mp4  55.86M

├──22.The Playground.mp4  52.10M

├──23.Play_ Five Little Ducks.mp4  54.30M

├──24.Play_ Five Little Ducks.mp4  45.04M

├──25.Review.mp4  48.76M

├──26.Review.mp4  47.00M

├──27.Mid-term examination (1).mp4  36.55M

├──28.Mid-term examination (1).mp4  45.22M

├──29.Poster Review.mp4  44.72M

├──30.Poster Review.mp4  37.09M

├──31.School Is Cool!.mp4  63.01M

├──32.School Is Cool!.mp4  62.44M

├──33.My Five Senses.mp4  61.78M

├──34.My Five Senses.mp4  64.73M

├──35.At Home.mp4  59.50M

├──36.At Home.mp4  64.10M

├──37.Animal Fun.mp4  68.68M

├──38.Animal Fun.mp4  63.63M

├──39.Unit 1-4 Review.mp4  49.27M

├──40.Unit 1-4 Review.mp4  53.02M

├──41.Healthy Kids.mp4  67.06M

├──42.Healthy Kids.mp4  65.82M

├──43.Collections.mp4  67.16M

├──44.Collections.mp4  65.49M

├──45.Day and Night.mp4  73.77M

├──46.Day and Night.mp4  54.67M

├──47.Our Community.mp4  79.96M

├──48.Our Community.mp4  57.51M

├──49.Unit 5-8 Review.mp4  48.35M

├──50.Unit 5-8 Review.mp4  48.19M

├──51.Rainy Day.mp4  77.74M

├──52.Rainy Day.mp4  61.49M

├──53.Play_ The Gift.mp4  59.65M

├──54.Play_ The Gift.mp4  65.82M

├──55.Review.mp4  70.32M

├──56.Review.mp4  66.93M

├──57.Mid-term examination (2).mp4  34.69M

├──58.Mid-term examination (2).mp4  37.59M

├──60.Poster Review.mp4  58.84M

├──61.Book 1&2 Review.mp4  34.60M

├──62.Book 1&2 Review.mp4  38.63M

├──63.At School.mp4  69.44M

├──64.At School.mp4  52.23M

├──65.Fun and Games.mp4  68.05M

├──66.Fun and Games.mp4  67.86M

├──67.Clothes.mp4  82.54M

├──68.Clothes.mp4  79.55M

├──69.Farm Fun.mp4  66.55M

├──70.Farm Fun.mp4  74.18M

├──71.U1-4 Review.mp4  56.73M

├──72.U1-4 Review.mp4  55.93M

├──73.Our Amazing Bodies.mp4  61.35M

├──74.Our Amazing Bodies.mp4  62.90M

├──75.Unit 5 Review.mp4  64.95M

├──76.Unit 5 Review.mp4  59.39M

├──77.Let’s Eat.mp4  67.37M

├──78.Let’s Eat.mp4  81.73M

├──79.Unit 6 Review.mp4  49.88M

├──80.Unit 6 Review.mp4  61.69M

├──81.At the Beach.mp4  69.54M

├──82.At the Beach.mp4  64.55M

├──83.Unit 7 Review.mp4  72.14M

├──84.Unit 7 Review.mp4  63.09M

└──85.Unit 1-7 Review.mp4  61.03M

售价:12 积分



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